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Legacy Meeting Angeda September 30, 2017

Published by Bill Delgado

Legacy Meeting Agenda

September 30, 2017

10:00 AM

Owners present by unit #:



  1. Welcome @ Legacy
  1. Welcome Bill Delgado
  2. Review and approve minutes April 2017 meeting minutes.


  1. Legacy Financial Information as of August 2017:
  2. Current cash position as of August 2017:
  3. Operating Account – $7,669.38
  4. Current reserve account $ 49,416.35
  5. Assessment receivable $1,598
  6. Roof Fund – $31,889.14
  7. Assessment receivable unit 202 –$43,200
  8. Prepaid Insurance – $5,690.59
  9. Note 202 income $6,540 (already added into above numbers)


  1. Legacy Internet:
  2. This summer reports of internet issues occurred for the units located in the middle to end units (05-08)
  3. b. Interference was found from other wireless internets. Adjustments made.
  4. c. Please advised board in writing or PMC if any problems occur with internet.
  5. Internet speed will be decreased for the winter months


  1. Discuss unit 202
    1. The Cape May Sheriff’s posted a sale notice for October 18, 2017.
    2. Our items were removed from the unit. The only items removed were items the association purchased or items owners loaned to unit. If you loaned something to the unit please take it with or we will donate it to a good cause.
    3. Offers will be taken for purchased items.
    4. Anyone wanting to purchase the unit may attend the sale.


  1. Second Floor Water Leaks
  1. PMC addressed another issue concerning the 205 water leak this spring.
  2. Unit owner not reported any problems to date. Board member spoke with owner on issue no new water.


  1. Comcast Cable –
    1. Unit Owners are allowed to open a sub account with Comcast.
    2. If an owner opens an account please remember the boxes in the unit, one belongs to the Legacy and the others are your responsibility to return.


  1. Current Legacy Projects- 2018
    1. Roof Estimate will be addressed.
    2. Lighting for Legacy Car port.
    3. New locks for laundry room as 2nd floor laundry room door knob was damaged.
    4. Steps to be painted in spring.
    5. Parking numbers were repainted, they are now uniform please do not repaint yourself.


First Floor Storage area: Ron Robb – Tabled

    1. Ron Robb priced the cost of creating a storage area on the first floor.
    2. Cost approximately $1,344.01
    3. Board discussed tabled until results of unit 202.  Ron Robb did present an estimated cost sheet showing building material of $1,344.01.  In addition light fixture and sprinkler system must be moved.
    4. If fire System Company must come out a price will be obtained for to move sprinklers to install closet 2016.
    5. Look at other options



  1. The board must propose a special assessment of $1,400 per unit for the- 2017 -2017 year:
    1. March 20, 2018 –  $
    2. September 10, 2018 – $1,250
    3. $             for roof fund
    4. $             garage lighting


  1. Video Cameras are now on line showing live time on internet (new address)
    1. If you would like to down load the cameras systems for the Lobby area and floors here is how to do it go to your play store on your phone or tablet.
    2. Search for IVMS-4500
    3. Download and open
    4. Server – legeacyoc and legacyoc2
    5. User – legacyguest
    6. Password Legacy715 POOL


  1. Reminder to register all pets with PMC
    1. The following units are registered to have pets 102,103,104.106, 107, and 203.


 General Information

 Building issues e-mail board or PMC when the issue is found out to avoid additional problems or work.

  1. Windows – Window Manufacturer:
    5601 Beaver Dam Road
    Bristol, Pa 19007
    215 788-7000Window & Specs:
    OKNA Gleen Energy System
    DH400 replacement double hung window (energy star)
    Size 35 3/4 W X 53 1/8 H
    White/foam filled/climate low-E/full screen/argon gas
    includes interior, exterior capping & caulking, remove all debrisInstaller:
    Window Wholesalers (They have no showroom)
    Suite 201A
    2300  New Road Northfield, NJ 08225
    609 823-4320
    M Bloch

    Total cost for 4 windows $1,585


  1. May contact Materera Builders 609-391-0429 for Anderson replacement windows
  2. Storm Doors: With the changing of models by storm door companies the board as decide the standard door will be the style as on unit 301, 303, 305, and 306.
  3. Reminder Bikes need bike tags – Contact Property Management for tags
  4. Make sure PMC has the proper key to make entry into the unit
  5. Owners MAY NOT change windows or doors without approval from Legacy Board. The request must be a written request addressed to the board and Jeannie Benson @ PMC.  Board approval will also be a written response.  ANY OWNER FAILING to abide by the by-laws will be responsible to return the item to its original condition and fined by the board.
  6. The board discussed Owners are responsible for all problems or conditions inside there unit. If an Owner believes their problem stems from an Association related issue it is the responsibility of the owner to get documentation showing it is an Association issue.  If the Association obtains a contractor or orders an evaluation and the remedy is owner related the cost will be passed on to the owner.
  7. The condominium is our home. We can all save cost by helping out when noticing something needs to be done.
  8. Magnets with Rules provided to be place on rear of Unit entry door by all units.(Renting or not renting) If you do not have one please ask


  1. Pool
    1. Pool Cover –
  1. PMC advising against pool cover concern with holes in the deck floor.
  2. Signs posted no trespass
  • Board will have further discussion with PMC


  1. Garage lighting
    1. Estimate being obtained for changing lighting in garage area and hallways to LED lighting fixtures.


  1. New Business:
    1. Board will be getting an estimate to remove the white paint on the balcony ceiling of unit 108.
    2. Board had Attorney Briggs send letter to owner claiming rights to 8 feet of driveway behind dumpster. There was an old notation in the deed claim a right away but the notion states 4 foot on either side of the property line, as well as the nature of the builds appeared to have changed. Paula advised his tenants stopped puling in the driveway.


    1. Kevin Muller requested rental of the office for 4 hours each Wednesday night until April. To hold electrical classes. Depending on the class size the number of days may increase. Board is discussing options with Keven.


    1. Summer Unit cleaning person(s): Unit owners are responsible to make sure their cleaning people use their parking spot and not the spot of others. There was an incident this summer and the cleaning people became very confrontational. The same people two weeks prior parked in the space of a two week rental leaving the renter no parking space. Cleaning people not in the proper spot can be ticketed and or towed.


    1. Palm trees at pool deck if an owner as a place for one or more they may have the trees.


    1. Elections:


  1. Dominic DeMitis
  2. Ron Hanson




NEXT MEETING April 28, 2018

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